Protection Plan

Checkered Flag’s Finance Departments will aid you in everything from getting an approved loan through one of our numerous lending institutions to helping you with your DMV work. On top of helping you finance and contract on your next vehicle we also offer some ways to protect your investment. Here is just a small bit of what we can offer you:

Interior & Exterior protection for your whole vehicle

With the Environmental Protection Plan you can protect the Interior and Exterior of your car from all sorts of regular damages.
Interior Coverages:

  • Most Oil and Water Based Stains
  • Everyday Fast Food Stains (i.e. ketchup, french fries, coffee, soda)
  • The Sun’s harmful U.V. Rays
  • Mold and Mildew
  • Leather/Vinyl is warrantied against fading and discoloration
  • Fabric is surrounded by a protective barrier that will keep most stains from setting

Exterior Coverages:

  • Tree Sap
  • Bird Droppings
  • Industrial Fallout
  • Acid Rain
  • Weather Elements

Rims, tires, labor – don’t get caught paying for these again!

Tire Coverage:

  • Road Hazard Tire Coverage Program repairs or, if unrepairable, replaces tires damaged by road hazards. Reimbursement includes tires, mounting & balancing, valve stems, and sales tax!

Wheel Coverage:

  • In addition to the Tire Coverage your package also provides for the repair or replacement of wheels damaged by road hazards.

Three, Four, and Five year plans are available.

Take care of the dings before they happen

Ding Shield enables new and used buyers to purchase a Paintless Dent Removal Plan that gives discounted dent removal prices up front. Repairs are carried out by Dent Wizard certified technicians and are fully warrantied as long as the owner of the plan owns his/her vehicle. coverage is available throughout the United States, and is insured by Great American Insurance: a Best A rated insurance carrier.

Most warranties and protection programs sold through Checkered Flag are cancelable or transferable. Ask your Checkered Flag Business Manager for more details.

Catch that thief?

When you love your car as much as you do, is there anything worse than having it stolen? What if there was a chance you could get your car back faster? What if that chance helped you to lower your insurance rates? What if that chance helped you stay out of a loaner car – do you even have rental car coverage on your insurance policy?

New Cars, Used Cars, Leased Cars, Corporate Cars, there are many reasons that make LoJack right for you. With the money you get back on insurance and trade-in, LoJack may even turn out to be free!

LoJack FAQs

  • What is the chance that my car will be stolen?
    Nearly 1,200,000 cars are stolen in the United States each year! That’s a car every 30 seconds, or 1 out of 200 registered vehicles, and most are stolen out of driveways, shopping centers (malls), and work places. Vehicle thieves follow market trends to target the most popular vehicles because they provide the best market for stolen parts and export to other countries. A car is almost worth 3 times its book value when sold for parts!
  • How many cars does LoJack recover?
    Over 90% of stolen vehicles that are equipped with LoJack are recovered – usually within a few hours and with minimal to no damage. Can you now see why insurance companies are willing to discount premiums based on a vehicle being equipped with LoJack?
  • How does LoJack Help?
    No other vehicle recovery system is used by law enforcement agencies across the United States and around the world. LoJack’s warranty guarantees to recover your vehicle within 24 hours after it has been reported stolen to the police, or LoJack will refund the cost of the LoJack system? LoJack has no monthly fees.
  • What are the top 10 most stolen vehicles?
    In 2003 the Toyota Camry was number 1 followed by the Honda Accord (remember how thieves follow market trends). Third was the Honda Civic, then: Oldsmobile Cutlass, Jeep Cherokee, Chevy full-size pick ups, Toyota Corolla, Ford Taurus, Chevrolet Caprice, Ford F-150.

LoJack FAQs

  • I don’t want LoJack. It’s too expensive.
    Would you agree that the real cost of your vehicle is what you pay for it up front, it’s related costs over time, less what you sell or trade it for later? If yes, then please see what the real cost of a LoJack system is for your vehicle then weight it against your applicable insurance premium deduction and resale value (remember that LoJack can possibly be free this way!). Your one time cost for LoJack is likely to pay for itself many times over and there are no ongoing fees!
  • I don’t need LoJack. That’s what insurance is for and if it’s stolen I don’t want if back anyway!
    The problem is that they do come back. In fact, 62% of all stolen vehicles are recovered (typically well over a 24 hour period) and by the time they are found they have thousands of dollars worth of damage. Many times, even after extensive body work and attempts at odor removal, the car is never the same and it’s resale/trade-in value is severely impacted. With LoJack over 90% of stolen vehicles are recovered within a 24 hour period. Now consider the cost of your insurance deductible, the real cost for rental vehicles beyond what an insurance company pays (do you have rental reimbursement?), the replacement costs of the vehicle versus what insurance will pay if it doesn’t come back. The facts are against you.
  • I live in a safe town and I keep my car in a garage – why should I buy LoJack?
    Do you ever go to a shopping mall, a movie theatre, a ball game, a restaurant, or a grocery store? If you do then you are in the favorite environments of car thieves. Next time you’re in the parking lot of one of these types of establishments, ask yourself if there is enough cover around for a thief to get into your car, without detection (that will do something about it), in under 60 seconds. A professional thief needs 60 seconds or less to take your fully locked and alarmed car!
  • I can get away with a steering wheel device, the Club, a kill switch, or the most expensive alarm money can buy!
    These types of devices will scare away an amateur thief or joy rider, but professional car thieves steal over 80% of all stolen vehicles. Professional thieves are able to defeat devices such as these in a matter of seconds. Consider this: if you were a car thief and your biggest fear was being caught in a stolen vehicle because the Police might track it using LoJack, wouldn’t the car be less likely to have LoJack if there were an alarm or steering wheel lock on it? No one can detect LoJack. Are these other devices a deterrent of magnet for the professional thief?
  • I’m in a lease.
    If the car is stolen it is the leasing company’s problem and the difference is covered by GAP insurance, it won’t cost me a thing. Let’s say your leased vehicle is stolen and never recovered. You’re right, with GAP insurance all obligations under the lease end and you can simply go back to your dealer to pick up a new car under a new lease. BUT – what about the downpayment, taxes on the money down, acquisition fee, first payment, security deposit, taxes, registration and document fees you may have had to pay up front? You’ll have to pay those all over again! By the way, your insurance company will wait 30 days to see if your car is recovered before they payoff your claim. What will you be driving (do you have rental car coverage on your policy)? Maybe you’re willing to take the gambles, but are you really willing to gamble on your car being recovered quickly in decent working order? The reality is they do come back – over 62% of the time, and when they come back after a 24 hour period the chances are drastically higher the car will have huge amounts of damage.
  • I’ve never had a car stolen, and I’ve been a car owner for many years.
    Most of us think our car will never be stolen but the fact of the matter is that 1 out of every 200 registered vehicles are stolen in the United States – 1 car every 30 seconds. The chances of your car being stolen are much much much better than winning anything from the lottery, and with LoJack you have the piece of mind that your car will be back within 24 hours or the cost of your LoJack unit is refunded.

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